Girondist leader at last, on the 31st of December 1792
The queries if Louis XVI. They were of absorbing interest to Paris, to France and to Europe; and upon them the Girondist leader in last, to the 31st of December 1792, broke quiet, providing one of his best orations, most likely among the most important combinations of sound rationale, sagacity and eloquence that has ever been exhibited at the annals of French propaganda. He declared in favour of an appeal to those people. He envisioned the consequences of the habit of vengeance which revived the mob and has been controlling the coverage of this Convention, along with the prostration that could ensue to France after a successful battle with a European coalition, that could spring up following the murder of the king. The excellent attempt collapsed; and four times later something occurred which further jeopardized Vergniaud and his entire party. This was the discovery of a notice signed by him together with Gaudet and Gensonne and introduced to the king a couple of months ahead of the 10th of August. It contained nothing but strong and patriotic ideas, but it had been greedily seized upon by the enemies of their Gironde as proof of treason. On the 16th of January 1793 the vote started to be taken at the Convention on the punishment of their king. Vergniaud appeared early, and voted for departure. The action of this fantastic Girondist was and will always stay inscrutable, however, it had been followed with a similar verdict against almost the entire party which he contributed. About the 17th Vergniaud presided in the Convention, and it fell to himlabouring under the debilitating enthusiasm, to declare the deadly consequence of the voting.
After the establishment of a revolutionary tribunal has been suggested, Vergniaud vehemently opposed the job, denouncing the tribunal as a awful inquisition than that of Venice, and avowing his party would die rather than agree to it. Their passing by stratagem had been proposed, and about the 10th of March they needed to go into hiding. The antagonism due to this kind of attitude had attained a substantial stage when about the 10th of April Robespierre himself put his accusation before the Convention. He secured particularly upon Vergniaud's letter to the king and his support of this appeal to the public as a proof he was a medium in its own afterward despised sense. Vergniaud created a brilliant extemporaneous response, along with the assault for the moment collapsed. Now, however, night after night, Vergniaud and his coworkers found themselves reluctant to modify their habit, to prevent assassination, a cost being put upon their own minds. In the middle of this it had been made to keep its deliberations. The decree of accusation has been voted, along with the Girondists were proscribed.
Vergniaud was provided a secure escape. He accepted it just for a day, then returned to his dwelling. He had been kept under surveillance for almost a month, and also at the first days of July was imprisoned in La Force. He carried toxin with himbut not used it. His tender affection for his loved ones appears from his correspondence, together with his deep attachment to the fantastic thoughts of the Revolution and his noble love of nation. Early in October that the Convention brought forwards its indictment of this twenty-two Girondists. They had been sent for trial into the Revolutionary tribunal, and then they appeared on the 27th of October. The process has been a travesty of justice. Early on the afternoon of the 31st of October 1793 that the Girondists were hauled into the scaffold, singing along how the Marseillaise and maintaining up the strain until one by one they had been guillotined. Vergniaud was implemented last.